The campaign has been made for the Inspiring Girls International by leading creative agency MullenLowe London. The charity, set up and chaired by Miriam Gonzalez, is dedicated to raising the aspirations of young girls around the world by connecting girls with female role models.

At the centre of the campaign an online film, directed by Sophie Markatatos at Strange Beast, follows female animator Sophie Marka talking about how, in her industry, lead characters are still mostly men.
The film is supported by four print executions; ‘Angela The Astronaut’ designed by Lizzie Campbell,
‘Cathy The Carpenter’ designed by Be Towers, ‘Sally The Scientist’ by Ariane Pelissoni and ‘Carla The Coder’ by Abigail de la Cruz.
The campaign, ‘It’s Time To Get Animated’, exposes the gender bias in childhood cartoons where only 29% of all animated characters are women*.